Bringing colour back into your world.

When struggling with mental health challenges, the world can feel dark and painful. Next Chapter Health seeks to restore balance by adding colour and light to the world again. We celebrate the diversity and uniqueness of our clients and work together towards recovery and transformation.


Next Chapter Health offers in-person and online psychology support services, including EMDR therapy, for adults and adolescents. We have a particular focus on supporting clients with complex trauma histories, diverse gender and sexual identities, and neurodivergence (particularly ADHD, autism and AuDHD), often exploring the intersectionality of these identities.

At Next Chapter Health, we work with a range of mental health challenges from depression to personality disorders, and many more. Whatever the challenge that brings you our way, our psychological support is underpinned by respect, authenticity and empathy.

We have a passion for working with those who have experienced significant and complex trauma. Some people come with a diagnosis already, others are just becoming aware of the impact of difficult events in their lives.

Using trauma-focused modalities, such as Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, we aim to help facilitate healing and transformation. We can’t change what has happened to you, but we can work to change your psychological and physiological response to it.

Next Chapter Health can also assist with clinical and vocational assessments. We support clients in their personal explorations, whether finding new career paths or understanding diagnoses, like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.


In 2021, we received a beautiful gift from one of our amazing clients. The gift-giver had convinced our then Practice Manager, Andrea, to collate some words that clients had used when giving feedback about Next Chapter Health.

With consent from all involved, the client added her words to the list and handcrafted a beautiful crossword-style display for our practice. With their blessing, we had it remade with our new logo.


Be Open to Your Next Chapter