Trauma-Informed Photography


After traumatic experiences we are often left feeling ashamed and disconnected from who we are. We take onboard the negative messages that the world (and people within it) have sent us about who we are. We start to believe that we are broken and ugly and worthless. For many, this manifests in a fear of our own image.


Reclaim your image

At Next Chapter Health, we offer a photography package that combines one-on-one therapy with a two-hour photoshoot with our trauma-informed photographer.

We start with a fee-free, confidential, discussion to explore your needs and determine your goals for the photography package. Depending on the skill-building and resourcing needed, we collaboratively set a treatment plan that can include up to 3 sessions before your photoshoot and up to 3 sessions after.

Your therapist is also present for the photoshoot, working collaboratively with you and the photographer to reclaim your image. The therapist will provide stabilisation and support during the whole photoshoot. During the photoshoot, we encourage you to view the images as we go along. You can discuss the images, explore your responses, notice your emotions, and share what the images represent for you.

You have total control of your images during this process. You can press delete at any time and also save the images of your choosing. The photoshoot can happen indoors or outdoors, depending on your preference. This package is not a glamour shoot in a photography studio and will be a more grounded experience.

At the end of the process, you will receive the digital images. We are happy to securely store copies of these images as a backup but you can also choose to have them destroyed.

Please Note: This package is not intended as a replacement for regular trauma therapy. Most clients who choose this package are existing clients of the practice. We are open to new clients selecting this package but risk management and checks regarding available supports will likely be discussed.